Wow....time flies when you're having fun right?!
Just to update everyone on what's going on with EPD.
There's a new associate on board at the studio. Her name is Erica Rowe. She's an Idaho girl, and a great photographer. Stop on by the studio, say hi, and get to know her. She's a gem, and I'm happy to have her on board!
We've been super busy at the studio, and its been amazing. Thank you to all of you who have come in and said hi, and for those of you coming in soon, we can't wait to see you.
The 2010 Top Ten Spokesmodel contest is going on right now. We have an iPod touch up for grabs, as well as a laptop right before graduation. Hit us up for more info!
More posts to come with images of what we've been doing, and what we've got going on!